Measurement of Thermal Neutron Cross Section and Resonance Integral of the Reaction ^<99>Tc(n, γ)^<100>Tc
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1995-05-25
KATOH Toshio
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University
Katoh Toshio
Nagoya University
Katoh Toshio
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Faculty Of Engineering Nagoya University
Nuclear Science and Engineering Directorate, Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)
Nuclear Fuel Technology Development Division, Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corp.
Nakamura Shoji
Nuclear Sci. And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Ogata Yoshimune
Radioisotope Research Center Nagoya University
Katabuchi Tatsuya
Research Laboratory For Nuclear Reactors Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Harada Hideo
Nuclear Science And Engineering Directorate Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Harada Hideo
Nuclear Engineering Research Collaboration Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Tokai, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
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- Decay of ^152Nd
- Half-Lives of Levels in ^Sr and ^Sr
- Mixing Ratio of the 440-keV Gamma Radiation in ^Na
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- Decay Study of ^La
- Decay of ^Pr Isomers to Levels of ^Nd
- Level Properties of ^Nd in the Decay of ^Pr
- Decay of ^Pm to Levels of ^Sm
- Decay of ^Ho Isomers to Levels in ^Er
- Decay of ^Dy to Levels of ^Ho
- Decay of ^Ho to Levels of ^Er
- A New Level of ^Sm at 1083.0 keV fed by the Decay of ^Eu(9.3 h)
- Thermal-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Resonance Integrals of the ^Se(n,γ)^Se Reactions
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- Measurement of the Thermal Neutron Capture Cross Section and the Resonance Integral of the ^Sr(n, ν)^Sr Reaction
- Production of the Isomeric State of ^Cs in the Thermal Neutron Capture Reaction ^Cs(η, γ)^Cs
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- Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy of ^K
- Levels of ^ Populated in the Decay of ^Lu
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- Measurement of Thermal Neutron Cross Section and Resonance Integral of the Reaction 137Cs(n,.GAMMA.) 138Cs.
- Cross section measurements of (n,n') and (n,2n) reactions on zirconium and lead targets at 14.8 MeV.
- Neutron activation cross section of molybdenum isotopes at 14.8MeV.
- Formation cross sections of zirconium-90m and lead-207m with fast neutrons.
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- Fast Neutron Automatic Activation System
- Measurement of the Thermal Neutron Cross Section of the 90Sr(n,.GAMMA.)91Sr Reaction.