Beta-Decay Energies of ^<121>,^<123>,^<125>Ba and ^<121-124>,^<126>Cs
- 論文の詳細を見る
The f3"-ray maximum energies of netutron-deficient """""'Ba and "" """'Cs isotopesw'ere nueasured using single HPGe-detector metluod, which does not need an annihilation-photondetection system. The radioactive sources xvere produced by bombarding Mo targets with "S""and "Cl"" ions, followed by on-line mass-separation. The analysis of the experimental /)"-rayspectra using response functions to monoenergetic positrons yielded /3"-ray maximum energiesand Q-values of orbital-electron capture (Q?0-values) in the decay of these nuclides. The present121,123experiment has extended the (l2EC determinatuon to Ba isotopes in addition to improvingthe accuracy for tlae other nuclides.
- 社団法人日本物理学会の論文
- 1996-04-15
生田 孝
Department of Macromolecular Science, Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
生田 孝
大阪歯科大学 口腔解剖
Yamauchi H
Istec Tokyo Jpn
Yamauchi H
Superconductivity Research Laboratory Istec
Ichikawa S
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Yamamoto H
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
Yamamoto Hisao
The Research Institute For Iron Steel And Other Metals
KAWADE Kiyoshi
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Nagoya University
Yamauchi H
Institute For Materials Research Tohoku University:(present Office)neutron Science Research Center
Kawade K
Nagoya Univ. Nagoya
Kawade Kiyoshi
Graduate School Of Engineering Nagoya University
Kawade Kiyoshi
Department Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Ichikawa S
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
OSA Akihiko
School of Engineering,Nagoya University
IKUTA Tomohiko
Department of Radioisotopes,Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Department of Radioisotopes,Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Yamamoto H
Department Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Osa Akihiko
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
Yamamoto H
Univ. Tokyo Tokyo
Yamamoto Hiroshi
Department Of Energy Engineering And Science Nagoya University
Yamamoto Hiroshi
Departmemt Of Chemical Engineering University Of Tokyo
Ichikawa Shinichi
Department Of Radioisotopes Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Yamamoto Hiroshi
Department Of Nuclear Engineering Nagoya University
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