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The results of 116 cases of the shock in the Otorhinolaryngological field observed in 58 large hospitals of Japan, were studied statistically and the following conclusions were obtained.(1) Most of the shock in the Otorhinolaryngological field were related to the administration of local anesthetics befor operation and most of them appeared within 5min. after administration of local anesthetics.(2) Death rate of the shock was less in the nasal manipulation than in other Otorhinolaryngological regions.(3) Shock cases were classified into 5 types on the basis of clinical findings;Type I Severe case (Convulsion Form)Light case (Shibire Form)=Type VExtremely (Numbness)Type II Rapid Syncope FormType III Pale Syncope FormType IV Respiratory Syncope FormConvulsion-form (Type I) was seen most frequently in our clinics and showed high fatality, so clinically it is the most fearful type of the shock. On the contrary numbness form (Type V) is the least dangerous of all.(4) Some correlation between age and shock type was found. That is, convulsion form was often seen in the case of children under 10 years old and numbness form was often seen in the one and two decades. In the age over 50 years old, pale syncope form and respiratory syncope form were more frequently found.(5) The different types of local anesthetics had no counection with the shock types.(6) Abnormal diathesis (e.g. allergic diathesis) was found to be the chief disposition of the shock and should be thoroughly checked before administration of anesthetics.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
鈴木 安恒
中川 透
天谷 秀夫
玉川 健二郎
飯田 稔
鈴木 安恒
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