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Taking X-ray pictures of the noses of 82 atrophic rhinitis patients who came to our hospital from 1951 to 1956, the authors measured the dimensions of the paranasal sinuses and the width of the noses on the pictures with the planimeter and obtained the following statistic results. 1) The maxillar, frontal and sphenoidal sinuses of the atrophic rhinits patients were narrower than those of normal persons in both male and female and on both sides. 2) The maxillar, frontal and sphenoidal sinuses of genuine ozena (abbreviated as ozena) patients were narrower than those of simple atrophic rhinits patients. 3) No particular difference was observed between the dimensions of the ethmoid cells in atrophic rhinitis and those in normals. Also there was no particular difference between those in ozena and those in simple atrophic rhinitis. 4) It is found that the correlation existed between the maxillar sinuses and the frontal sinuses of normals and simple atrophic rhinitis, but no such correlation was found in ozena. This fact seemed to indicate that in ozena the function to help the paranasal sinuses to grow into a certain harmonized pattern was disturbed. 5) It is found that the correlation existed between the width of the maxillar sinuses and the width of the noses in all of normals. simple atrophic rhinits and ozena. The nasal cavities and the maxillar sinuses were closely correlated. 6) The nasal cavities were wider in ozena than in normals, but no particular difference was found between the nasal cavity of simple atrophic rhinitis and that of normals. 7) A defect of the frontal sinuses was found in 7 out of 82 atrophic rhinitis patients but none out of normal persons.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
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鈴木 昭雄
岩井 宏方
井上 寿樹
鈴木 安恒
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