A study of venography in colon and rectal cancer - (First report)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Inferior mesenteric venography findings of resected specimens of colon and rectal carcinoma were analyzed in 14 cases for the relation between the depth of invasion and the findings of the venogram.<BR>Findings of serrated encasement, narrowing, obstruction and venous deficiency were revealed in 29.6 % at the banked margin of tumors and in 21.1 % at the outside of tumors from among the total 71 changes. In ss·a<SUB>1</SUB>* cases, however, these findings were observed in 19.7 % at the banked margin of the tumor and in 15.5 % at the outside area.<BR>For analysis of the location of these findings, the peripheral venous systems of inferior mesenteric veins were classified anatomically as follows.<BR>The superior rectal vein of the rectum and the marginal vein of the colon which were distributed in the extramural area were classifed as the first branch. On the other hand, the right and left superior rectal vein of the rectum and the vasa recta vein of the colon distributed in the extraserosa area were arranged as the second branch.<BR>The changes present in the first branch were revealed to be 18.2 % for ss·a<SUB>1</SUB>* to s·a<SUB>2</SUB>*, and 100% for s<SUB>i</SUB>·a<SUB>i</SUB>* while the changes in the second branch were 81.8 % for ss·a<SUB>1</SUB>* to s·a<SUB>2</SUB>*.<BR>These results suggest the usefulness of venography for the preoperative determination of the depth of cancer invasion.<BR>*The depth of cancer invasion (ss, s, s<SUB>i</SUB>, a<SUB>1</SUB>, a<SUB>2</SUB>, a<SUB>i</SUB>) was defined according to the rules of the Japanese Research Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum. (Jinnai D : Jpn J Surg 13 : 557-598, 1983).
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- :Second Report
- A study of venography in colon and rectal cancer - (First report)