ヒ素代謝に関する研究(第13報) Methionine,taurine,cysteineがヒ素の排泄ならびに臓器内貯留におよぼす影響について
- 論文の詳細を見る
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- GA-56の一般薬理学的研究 (Pseudomonas属菌産生脂質分解酵素GA-56の薬理学的研究-1,2-)
- タイトル無し
- Studies on the glucuronic acid metabolism. (14 Report):Effect of glucuronic acid on the appearance of fatigue. (III) Changes of toxic and glucuronide fractions contained in precipitate by acetone, in human urine and serum, which is increased
- Studies on glucuronic acid metabolism (1 st Report):The influence of borneol, ionone and carvone on the urinary excretion of glucuronic acid and ascorbic acid
- Studies on the glucuronic acid metabolism. (16 Report):Effect of glucuronic acid on the appearance of fatigue. (V) Effect of glucuronolactone on toxic fraction (APP3) in precipitate by acetone which is increased by physical exercise in human
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- Studies on glucuronic acid metabolism (4 th. report):Anti-hypnotic effects of glucose, glucuronolactone, sodium glucuronate and ascorbic acid on barbital sodium action in rats, and guinea piggs
- GA-56の急性毒性実験 (Pseudomonas属菌産生脂質分解酵素GA-56の薬理学的研究-1,2-)
- GA-56の慢性毒性実験 (Pseudomonas属菌産生脂質分解酵素GA-56の薬理学的研究-3〜5-)
- The effects of adrenal hormones and adrenocorticotropic hormone on the detoxication of diphtheria toxin. II:The effects on the paralytic dose of diphtheria toxin