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The eddy current rail brake is a type of braking system used in railway vehicles. Because of problems such as rail heating and problems associated with ensuring that power is supplied when the feeder malfunctions, this braking system has not been used for practical applications in Japan. Therefore, we proposed the use of linear induction motor (LIM) technology in eddy current rail brake systems. The LIM rail brake driven by dynamic braking can reduce rail heating and generate the energy required for self-excitation. In this paper, we present an excitation system and control method for the LIM rail brake driven by “dynamic braking with zero electrical output”. The proposed system is based on the concept that the LIM rail brake can be energized without using excitation power sources such as a feeder circuit and that high reliability can be realized by providing an independent excitation system. We have studied this system and conducted verification tests using a prototype LIM rail brake on a roller rig. The results show that the system performance is adequate for commercializing the proposed system, in which the LIM rail brake is driven without using any excitation power source.
藤井 信男
長谷川 均
坂本 泰明
財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所 浮上式鉄道技術研究部
柏木 隆行
財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所 浮上式鉄道技術研究部
長谷川 均
財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所 浮上式鉄道技術研究部
笹川 卓
財団法人鉄道総合技術研究所 浮上式鉄道技術研究部
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- リニア誘導モータを応用したレールブレーキの設計と実験的検証
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- コイル巻線の交流抵抗特性
- リニアレールブレーキの定置試験による特性確認
- 零出力発電制動を用いたリニアモータ型レールブレーキの励磁電源レス運転
- モバイル高温超電導磁石の保冷特性および永久電流モード特性(第19回MAGDAコンファレンス)
- A Rail-to-Rail CMOS Voltage Follower under Low Power Supply Voltage(Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques Supporting the System LSI Era)
- Low Voltage OTA Using Two-MOSFET Subtractors between Rails(Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques and Related Topics)
- MOSFET Instantaneous Companding Integrator(Special Section on Analog Circuit Techniques Supporting the System LSI Era)
- A Design of MOSFET-C Impedance Simulation Circuits Based on a GIC
- リニアモータ型レールブレーキにおける発電制動起動則の検討
- 在来方式鉄道用非接触給電装置に用いるコイルの構成 (特集 浮上式鉄道技術と在来方式鉄道への応用)
- 鉄道への適応を考慮した非接触給電コイル構成
- コイル巻線の交流抵抗特性