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It is clarified that acid species have been transported from the Asian Continent to Yakushima Island, and the major species in the acid depositions is sulfuric acid on this Island. The concentration rations of SO42- to the sum of NO3- and SO42- in rime-ice and rainwater were over 90%, as well as the river waters. The forest can be related to the cause of high ion concentration of G1 mountain stream, because it was clarified that Cl- in mountain stream water only of the atmospheric origin was concentrated on the canopy in the cause of water circulation from the rainfall to the river water. Therefore, SO42- of the atmospheric origin may have been concentrated similarly according to this process and then become in high concentration in the mountain stream water. It was examined whether these acid species influenced the water quality formation of the mountain streams in the western part of Yakushima Island, and found that the contribution of the H+ in the acid deposition resulted in the unexpected relation between the HCO3- and SiO2 concentrations.
- 社団法人 日本水環境学会の論文
- 2003-03-10
手塚 賢至
久米 篤
久米 篤
久米 篤
久米 篤
海老瀬 潜一
永淵 修
阿久根 卓
吉村 和久
手塚 賢至
Kume Atsushi
Department Of Forest And Forest Products Sciences Kyushu University
Kume Atsushi
Department Of Environmental Biology And Chemistry Graduate School Of Science And Engineering Univers
Kume Atsushi
Department Of Environmental Biology And Chemistry Toyama University
Kume Atsushi
Department Of Biology School Of Education Waseda University
海老瀬 潜一
摂南大 工
Kume Atsushi
Department Of Forest And Forest Products Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University
吉村 和久
Department Of Chemistry Faculty Of Sciences Kyushu University
久米 篤
永淵 修
阿久根 卓
永淵 修
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