- 論文の詳細を見る
To estimate the application amount of pesticides for paddies, the sales amounts sold by ten agricultural cooperatives (agr-coops) in Ibaraki and Hokkaido were investigated.The amounts sold from these agr-coops in Ibaraki and Hokkaido and the amounts shown in “Noyaku Yoran”, the Japanese Pesticides Handbook, were compared. The share of the amount of pesticides sold by each agr-coop was investigated by dividing the standard application area for herbicides sold by the agr-coop by the rice planted area to find the herbicide-application-area ratio (R).The standard application amounts of herbicides for rice plantings were sold by five of agr-coops. Three coops in Ibaraki, however, sold fifty percents or less of the standard application amounts. The amounts sold by three agr-coops cannot be evaluated application amounts of pesticides. The amounts of pesticides used as obtained from the Handbook were quite different from the amounts sold by the agr-coops. Accordingly, the exact amount of pesticides used in the areas evaluated cannot be determined from the Handbook. In order to learn the exact amount of pesticides in the area to be evaluated, it is necessary, therefore, to investigate the amounts sold by agr-coops having a large share of the pesticides market.
- 社団法人 日本水環境学会の論文
- 2001-11-10
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