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The genotype-phenotype relationship was examined experimentally for the Pax6Sey-4H mutant, which carries deletion of its chromosome 2 middle region hemizygously. The genotyping has indicated that this deleted segment is between 102.6 and 109.2 Mb from the centromere. The glucose-6-phosphatase gene followed by the glucagon and carboxyl ester lipase genes were mapped adjacent to the deleted region. Phenotyping indicates that the Pax6Sey-4H mutant is more susceptible to diabetes. The glucose tolerance test showed that the mutants were less capable of reducing their level of blood glucose to the standard level than the normal sibs. The insulin-loading test revealed their inability to elevate their blood glucose levels up to normal levels. The time it took for the onset of diabetes induced by streptozotocin was shorter in the mutants than in normal sibs. Both the haploinsufficiency of the genes in the hemizygous segment of chromosome 2 and the quantitative imbalance of the whole genome could contribute the development of this phenotype in the mutant.
- 社団法人 日本実験動物学会の論文
新田 由美子
重吉 康史
Nitta Yumiko
Department Of Food And Nutrition Suzugamine Women's College
KANEKO Takehito
Center for Animal Resources and Development, Kumamoto University
Center for Animal Resources and Development, Kumamoto University
Nakagata Naomi
Center For Animal Resources And Dev. Kumamoto Univ.
中潟 直己
Center for Animal Resources and Development, Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamot
新田 由美子
Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Kinki University
重吉 康史
Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Kinki University
NITTA Kohsaku
Misasakai Social Welfare Clinic
HARADA Toshihide
Department of Medical Management, Faculty of Health Services Management, Hiroshima International Uni
Department of Communication Disability, Faculty of Health Science, Hiroshima Prefectural University
Department of Language, Culture and Information, Suzugamine Womens College
Shigeyoshi Yasufumi
Department of Anatomy, Kinki University School of Medicine
Shigeyoshi Yasufumi
Department Of Anatomy Kinki University School Of Medicine
Kaneko Takehito
Center For Animal Resources And Dev. Kumamoto Univ.
Harada Toshihide
Department Of Health Services Management Faculty Of Health And Welfare Hiroshima International Unive
Department of Language, Culture and Information, Suzugamine Women's College
NITTA Yumiko
Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience, Faculty of Medicine, Kinki University
HARADA Toshihide
Department of Medical Management, Faculty of Health Services Management, Hiroshima International University
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