Spontaneous and Radiation-induced Leukemogenesis of the Mouse Small Eye Mutant, Pax6^<Sey3H>
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Allelic loss on the chromosome 2 is associated with radiation-induced murine acute myeloid leukemia. However, the gene, which contributes mainly to the leukemogenesis has not yet been identified. Expecting any predisposition to acute myeloid leukemia, we performed a radiation leukemogenensis experiment with Pax6^<Sey3H>, one of the small eye mutants carrying a congenital hemizygosity of the chromosome 2 middle region. A deletion mapping of Pax6^<Sey3H> with 50 STS markers indicated that the deleted segment extended between the 106.00 and 111.47 Mb site from the centromere with a length of 5.47 Mb. In the deleted segment, 6 known and 17 novel genes were located. Pax6^<Sey3H> mutants that crossed back into C3H/He did not develop myeloid leukemia spontaneously, but they did when exposed to gamma-rays. The final incidence of myeloid leukemia in mutants (25.8%) was as high as that in normal sibs (21.4%). Survival curves of leukemia-bearing mutants shifted toward the left (p=0.043 by the Log rank test). F1 hybrids of Pax6^<Sey3H> with JF1 were less susceptible to radiation than Pax6^<Sey3H> onto C3H/He in regard to survival (p=0.003 and p<0.00001 for mutants and normal sibs, respectively, by a test of the difference between two proportions). Congenital deletion of the 5.47 Mb segment at the middle region on chromosome 2 alone did not trigger myeloid stem cells to expand clonally in vivo; however, the deletion shortcut the latency of radiation-induced myeloid leukemia.
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
- 2004-06-15
Nitta Yumiko
Department Of Food And Nutrition Suzugamine Women's College
Nakamura Naoko
Division Of Reproductive Engineering Center For Animal Resources And Development (card) Kumamoto Uni
Nakagata N
Center For Animal Resources And Dev. Kumamoto Univ.
Nakagata N
Kumamoto Univ. Kumamoto Jpn
Nitta Yumiko
International Radiation Information Center Hiroshima University
Yoshida Kazuko
Radiation Hazard Research Group Radiation Safety Research Center National Institute Of Radiological
Yoshida Kazuko
Environmental And Toxicological Sciences Research Group National Institute For Radiological Science
Satoh Kenichi
Division Of Gastroenterology Tohoku University Graduate School Of Medicine
Division of Developmental Genetics, Institute of Molecular Embryology and Genetics, Kumamoto Univers
Divigion of Reproductive Engineering, Institute of Resource Development and Analysis, Kumamoto Unive
Mammalian Genetics Unit, Medical Research Council
Mammalian Genetics Unit, Medical Research Council
Senba Kei
Division Of Developmental Genetics Institute Of Molecular Embryology And Genetics Kumamoto Universit
Yoshida Kazuko
Radiat. Hazards Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Cattanach Bruce
Mammalian Genetics Unit Medical Research Council
Peters Jo
Mammalian Genetics Unit Medical Research Council
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