Conversion of population of hematopoietic cells and cytokine gene expression during regeneration after X ray irradiation.
Div. Clin. Res. Radiat. Health. Natl Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Tanaka Izumi
Treatment Research Team Medical Treatment For High Dose Exposure Research Group Research Center Radi
Ishihara Hiroshi
Tanaka Izumi
Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Tanaka Izumi
Redox Regulation Research Group
Nemoto Kumie
International Space Radiation Laboratory
Yoshida Kazuko
Div. Radiobiol. Biodosim. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Yoshida Kazuko
Radiation Hazard Research Group Radiation Safety Research Center National Institute Of Radiological
Ishihara Hiroshi
Treatment Research Team Medical Treatment For High Dose Exposure Research Group Research Center Radi
International Space Radiation Laboratory
The First Res. Group, Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Div. Chem. Pharmacol., Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
Div. Chem. Pharmacol., Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
Div. Physiol. Pathol., Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
Div. Chem. Pharmacol., Natl. Inst. Radiat Sci.
OTSU Hiroshi
Div. Physi
Otsu Hiroshi
Low Dose Radiat. Effect. Res. Proj. Res. Ctr. For Radiat. Saf. Nirs
Tanaka Izumi
Redox Regul. Res. Group Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Yoshida Kazuko
Div. Biol. &oncol. N. I. R. S.
Nemoto Kumie
Div. Biol. Oncol. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sd.
Tsuneoka Kazuko
The First Res. Group Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Yoshida Kazuko
Radiation Hazard Research Group Radiation Safety Research Center National Institute Of Radiological
Suzuki Gen
Div. Clin. Res. Radiat. Health Natl. Inst. Radiat. Sci.
Ishihara Hiroshi
Redox Regul. Res. Group Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Ishihara Hiroshi
Div. Chem. Pharmacol. Radiat. Health Natl. Inst. Radiat. Sci.
- Alteration of Radioprotective Effects of Heat-killed Lactobacillus casei in X-irradiated C3H/He Mouse Related to Blood Level of Proinflammatory Cytokines by Corticoids
- Circadian Transitions in Radiation Dose-Dependent Augmentation of mRNA Levels for DNA Damage-induced Genes Elicited by Accurate real-time RT-PCR Quantification
- Expression of various cytokine genes during radiation-induced thymic lymphomagenesis
- White Blood Cell Count, Especially Neutrophil Count, as a Predictor of Hypertension in a Japanese Population
- 1 Indirect effects in radiation cataractogenesis(Atomic bomb effects, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Strain Differences and Effects of Scid-gene on the Genomic Instability in Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphomain Mice
- Retrotransposition of Limited Deletion Type of Intracisternal A-particle Elements in the Myeloid Leukemia Clls of C3H/He Mice
- 37 Transcriptional Regulation of Long-terminal Repeat of Intracisternal A-particle that Contributes Gene Rearrangement in Radiation-induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H Mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation
- Disappearance of Nuclear Binding Proteins Specifically Bound to the Upstream Region of the Interleukin-1β Gene Immediately after Irradiation of Mouse Macrophages
- X-ray inducible immediate-early expression of junB gene in mouse. : An application of the modified reporter assay.
- Analysis ofthe Upstream Region of the Radiation-induced Genes for the Immediate-early Induction by the Modified Reporter Assay.
- 151 Enhanced Expression of Heme Oxygenase-1 Gene by Caffeic Acid Phenethylester in RAW 264.7 Mouse Macrophage Cell Line(Signal transduction, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 36 Detection of Illegitimate Sites by Intracisternal A-particle-mediated Retrotransposition in Radiation-induced Tumors(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Structural characterization of the retrotransposon IAP RNA enhanced in murine myeloid cells
- Genome rearrangement mediated by limited subtypes of IAP in myeloid leukemia and thymic lymphoma cells from C3H mouse.
- Genomic Rearrangement by Increased Number of LAP Element with Unique Structure
- Disappearance of Binding Activity to the Upstream Sequence of IL-1β Gene in X-irradiated Murine Cells
- Analysis of the radiation-responsive elements in the upstream region of IL-1β gene in mice
- Searching of regulatory region for acute radiation responsible induction of interleukin-Iβ gene in mouse.
- X ray-inducible expression of IL-1 β and fos/jun family genes in normal myeloid cells.
- Conversion of population of hematopoietic cells and cytokine gene expression during regeneration after X ray irradiation.
- Relative Biological Effectiveness of 290 MeV/u Carbon Ions for the Growth Delay of a Radioresistant Murine Fibrosarcoma
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions induced resistance in mouse gut crypt cells
- Effects of sequentially mixed LET on tumor growth delay
- Fractionated irradiation with carbon ions to gut intestinal crypt cells
- Radiation Burns by ^Iridium : Clinical Features 22 years after Exposure
- Radioprotective Effects of Inflammation by Heat-killed Bacterial Preparations
- Characterization of LTR Sequence of the Retrotransposon IAP that Contributes to Integration in the Genome ofthe Myeloid Leukemia Cells in C3H Inbred Mouse
- Prenatal Low-dose X-irradiation Affects Connexins 43 and 26 in Developing Mouse Neocortex
- Effects of fractionated irradiation with carbon ions on the NFSa fibrosarcoma in mice
- Influence of genetic background on RBE of carbon ions for tumor induction
- Effect of carbon ions on life span shortening and tumorigenesis in mice
- Loss of heterozygosity in heavy-ion-induced murine T-cell lymphomas
- Control of CD4 T cell fate by antigen re-stimulation with of without CTLA-4 engagimint 24 h after priming
- Loss of SDF-1 receptor expression during positive selection in the thymus
- Impaired CD28-mediated co-stimulation in anergic T cells
- HZE Radiation Effects for Hereditary Renal Carcinomas
- Cellular-Evenrs during Radiation-Induced Thymic Lymphomagenesis in p53 Heterozygous(+/-)Mice
- Radiation Effects on Primary Cultures of Mouse Brain Cells
- Time Course of Reoxygenation in Experimental Murine Tumors after Carbon-beam and X-ray Irradiation
- Whole-body X-irradiation Induces Acute and Transient Expression of Heme Oxygenase-1 in Rat Liver
- A transient expression of heme oxygenase-1 gene in rat liver by X-irradiation
- Differential expression of antioxidant genes by x-rays and a carbonbeam
- Irradiation reduces levels of myeloperoxidase mRNA through TNF production in HL6O cells
- Irradiation Increases MnSOD Gene through a Production of TNF in Monocytic Cells
- Association between inflammatory and infectious markers among Atomic Bomb Survivors; Implication for mechanism of increase in cardiovascular disease.
- Atherosclerosis-Related Microbial Infection in Atomic Bomb Survivors
- Sequential expression of T-cell growth factor receptors on T-cell subsets in the development of thymic lymphomas after X-ray exposure to B6C3F1 mice
- 79 Enhancement of Radiation-induced Mortality by Friend Leukemia Virus Infection : 2 Role of Radiosensitivity-Related Genes(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 52 Effect of Atm Status of Donor on Survival Following Bone Marrow Transfer of C3H mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 33 Early detection of p53-/- thymocytes appeared during radiation-induced thymic lymphomagenesis in p53 heterozygous (+/-) B10 mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Role of Radiosensitivity-Related Genes in Enhancement of Acute Radiation Effects by Retroviral Infection
- Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphoma on p53 Hetero-deficient B10 Mice was Suppressed with the Injection of Glucocorticoid Hormone
- Appearance of p53-/-Thymocytes in p53+/-B10 Mice Irradiated for Thymic Lymphomagenesis
- Enhancement of Acute Radiation Effects on Hematopoiesis by Retroviral Infection
- The Spectrum of Hematopoietic Neoplasms in p53-deficient C3H/He Mice -Compared with the Bone Marrow Repopulated Mice with p53 Deficient Bone Marrow Cells-
- Mechanism for the Induction of Loss of Heterozygosity of p53 Gene in Radiation-Induced Thymic Lymphomas from p53 Heterozygous (+/-) Mice
- Role of Loss of Wild-Type p53 Gene in Radiation-Induced Thymic Lymphomagenesis from p53 Heterozygous (+/-) Mice
- p53 Deficiency Backcrossed into C3H/He Mice Produced High- incidence of Undifferentiated Leukemia after Irradiation
- Effect of G-CSF and Pentoxifylline on the Bacterial Trans-location from Intestinal Flora in Irradiated mice.
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice (the 2nd report).
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice.
- Control of GVHD by sIL-1R and anti-IFN-γ
- Control of endotoxin shock by OK-432
- Radioprotective effect of coabination treatment of G-CSF and IL-i or OK-432 on mice after irradiation.
- Radio-protective effect of combination therapy with G-CSF and OX-432 on mouse after irradiation.
- Risks of diabetes and HLA types among atomic-bomb survivors
- Spontaneous and Radiation-induced Leukemogenesis of the Mouse Small Eye Mutant, Pax6^
- Reduction of Radiation-induced Myeloid Leukemia Following Splenectomy in C3H/He mice
- Radiation-induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H/He Male Mice : Under Calorie Restriction
- Dose Rate Effects of Continuous γ-ray Irradiation on Mice at Low Dose Rates.
- The Mechanism for Inhibition of Radiation Induced Myeloia Leukemia by Caloric Restriction
- The Effect of Calorie Restriction on Radiation-induced Myeloid leukemogenesis
- A Nation-Wide Survey on Indoor Radon from 2007 to 2010 in Japan
- The Effects of Heavy Ion Particles on the Developing Murine Cerebellum, with Special Reference to Cell Death
- Radioprotection of Mice by a Stable Nitroxide Radical, MC-PROXYL against Whole Body X-Irradiation
- Effect of G-CSF and OK-432 on the bacterial trans-location from intestinal flora in irradiated mice
- Comparison of the expressions of retrotransposon IAP that generates abnormal structure in the genome of the myeloid leukemia cells in C3H inbred mouse
- Expression of IL-1β mRNA in Mice after Whole Body X-Irradiation
- Timing in Administration of a Heat-killed Lactobacillus casei Preparation for Radioprotection in Mice
- OK-432 Reduces Mortality and Bacterial Translocation in Irradiated and Granulocyte-colony Stimulating Factor (G-CSF)-treated Mice
- Apoptotic Sensitivity of Cultured Mouse Brain Cells to Low Dose Rate Irradiation of Heavy Particles
- Dose and Dose RaLe Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H male mice.
- The relationship between types of tumor and their incldence and age of gamma-ray exposure in mice.
- Effects of High LET Particle Irradiation of Mouse Hematopoietic Functions
- Generalized Equivalence Principle in Extended New General Relativity
- Hepatitis Virus Infection and Chronic Liver Disease among Atomic-Bomb Survivors.
- Effects of Heavy Ion to the rimary Culture of Mouse Brain Cells
- Effects of Low Dose Particle Radiation to Mouse Neonatal Neurons in Culture
- 77 Construction of Radiobiology Animal Archives for Radiation Effects Study(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H Male Mice.(IV)
- Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H Male Mice.( III ) Life Shortening and Elongation
- Development and Completion of International Radiology Archives "Long-term Animal Studies in Radiobiology" from the Viewpoint of Pathology.
- Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H male mice.(II)
- Alteration of Radioprotective Effects of Heat-killed Lactobacillus casei in X-irradiated C3H/He Mouse Related to Blood Level of Proinflammatory Cytokines by Corticoids