77 Construction of Radiobiology Animal Archives for Radiation Effects Study(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本放射線影響学会の論文
- 2003-12-15
OGIU Toshiaki
Low Dose Radiat. Eff. Res. Proj., NIRS
Saigusa Shin
Low Dose Radiat. Effect. Res. Proj. Res. Ctr. For Radiat. Saf. Nirs
Noda Yuko
Nat. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
Otsu Hiroshi
Low Dose Radiat. Effect. Res. Proj. Res. Ctr. For Radiat. Saf. Nirs
Ogiu Toshiaki
Low Dose Effects Research Project National Institute Of Radiological Sciences
Ogiu Toshiaki
Low Dose Radiat. Effect. Res. Proj. Res. Ctr. For Radiat. Saf. Nirs
Noda Yuko
Transcriptome Profil. Natl. Inst. Radiol. Sci.
FURUSE Takeshi
Low Dose Radiat. Effect. Res. Proj., Res. Ctr. for Radiat. Saf., NIRS
Low Dose Radiat. Effect. Res. Proj., Res. Ctr. for Radiat. Saf., NIRS
- 193 Radiosensitivity of the LEC rat(Mutation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Genetic Susceptibility to Thymic Lymphomas and K-Ras Mutation in Mice after Exposure to X-rays and N-Ethyl-N-Nitrosourea
- Age dependency of the mechanism of radiogenic thymic lymphomas in B6C3F1 mice
- Differences of Molecular Alteration between Radiation-Induced and N-Ethyl-N-Nitrosourea-Induced ThymicLymphomas in B6C3F1 Mice.
- Point mutation in PU. 1 in radiation-induced mouse myeloidleukemia(Blood, Biomarker, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- X ray-inducible expression of IL-1 β and fos/jun family genes in normal myeloid cells.
- Conversion of population of hematopoietic cells and cytokine gene expression during regeneration after X ray irradiation.
- Tumor Induction in Mice Locally Irradiated with Carbon Ions : A Retrospective Analysis
- 76 Analysis of Recql4 helicase deficient mice(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Evaluation of radiation-induced brain developmental effect by neuronal apoptosis in mouse fetus(Development, Reproduction, Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Meeting)
- 194 Radiation-induced Germ-line Mutations Detected by a Direct Comparison of Parents and Children DNA Sequences Containing SNPs(Mutation, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 34 Dose-response Relationship of Thymic Lymphoma Induction by Gamma Radiation and Induction of Nonthymic Lymphomas at Very Low Doses in SCID Mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Analysis of Radiation-induced Germline Mutation Using SNP Marker
- Genomi-wide Analysis of the Loss of Heterozygosity in Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphomas of Scid Mice
- Selection of thymocytes susceprible for interleukins 7 and 9 at preleukemic stage in split-dose irradiated B6C3F1mice.
- 79 Enhancement of Radiation-induced Mortality by Friend Leukemia Virus Infection : 2 Role of Radiosensitivity-Related Genes(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 52 Effect of Atm Status of Donor on Survival Following Bone Marrow Transfer of C3H mice(Radiation carcinogenesis, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Role of Radiosensitivity-Related Genes in Enhancement of Acute Radiation Effects by Retroviral Infection
- Suppression of Spontaneous Mutation by NP95 in Mouse ES Cells
- Dose Rate Effects of Continuous γ-ray Irradiation on Mice at Low Dose Rates.
- Mechanisms of Deletion Formation in Notch1 Gene in Radiation-Induced Mouse Thymic Lymphomas
- Radiation-induced Thymic Lymphomagenesis in RAG2-deficient SCID Mouse
- A study of the expression of cell-cell junction components in radiation-induced rat breast cancer tissues
- Notch1 Functions as a Major Oncogene in Radiation-induced Mouse Thymic Lymphomas
- Dose-dependent Increase of Spi- Mutations in Atm-disrupted Mice Following X-irradiation
- Dose and Dose RaLe Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H male mice.
- The relationship between types of tumor and their incldence and age of gamma-ray exposure in mice.
- Dose-Response and Large Relative Biological Effectiveness of Fast Neutrons with Regard to Mouse Fetal Cerebral Neuron Apoptosis
- Postnatal Changes in Mice Exposed In Utero to Fast Neutrons
- 82 Preliminary evaluation of brain development in mice prenatally irradiated with fast neutron(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 68 Analysis of apoptosis in the mouse fetal brain neurocytes induced by fast neutrons(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- S-1-5 Neutrons Biological Effects Research in NIRS(Present and Future of Researches on Biological Effects of Neutrons, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- 77 Construction of Radiobiology Animal Archives for Radiation Effects Study(Radiation sensitivities in cells & tissues, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)
- Neurobehavioral Changes in Mice Exposed to Fast Neutrons in utero
- Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H Male Mice.(IV)
- Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H Male Mice.( III ) Life Shortening and Elongation
- Development and Completion of International Radiology Archives "Long-term Animal Studies in Radiobiology" from the Viewpoint of Pathology.
- Dose and Dose Rate Effectiveness Factors of Radiation Induced Myeloid Leukemia in C3H male mice.(II)
- Present Status of Radiobiology Archives of Long-Term Animal Studies in Japan
- Preservation and Utilization of Materials from Studies on Radiation Effects and Points at Issue
- S-1-1 Introduction for the Symposium "Present and Future of Researches on Biological Effects of Neutrons"(Present and Future of Researches on Biological Effects of Neutrons, Abstracts of the 46th Annual Meeting of the Japan Radiation Research Society)