An optically clocked transistor array (OCTA) for 40-Gb/s, bidirectional serial-to-parallel conversion of asynchronous burst optical packets
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We have fabricated an optically clocked transistor array (OCTA) in an optoelectronic integrated circuit (OEIC) technology incorporating 0.18-µm gate length high-electron-mobility transistors (HEMTs). As a result of its dual serial-to-parallel (SP) and parallel-to-serial (PS) conversion (time demux/mux) capability, the OCTA realizes a single-chip, low-power interface between input/output high-speed asynchronous burst optical packets and CMOS electronics, thus enabling a compact, low-power solution for label swapping of optical packets. Single channel measurements indicate an input bandwidth greater than 65Gb/s. An eight-channel array demonstrates SP and PS conversion at 40Gb/s.
- The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineersの論文
Suzuki Hiroyuki
Ntt Photonics Laboratories Ntt Corporation
Suemitsu Tetsuya
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
Takahashi Ryo
Ntt Photonics Laboratories
Urata Ryohei
NTT Photonics Laboratories, NTT Corporation
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- An optically clocked transistor array (OCTA) for 40-Gb/s, bidirectional serial-to-parallel conversion of asynchronous burst optical packets