- 論文の詳細を見る
In the present study,w e conducted a survey of masticatory performance on 73 nursery schoolchildren aged 4 to 5 years in Hiroshima City and investigated the effectiveness of usingchewing gum to evaluate masticatory performance.On first time,approximately 50% of the children were found to be chewing inadequately by aregistered dietitian. Evaluation four months later revealed an increase in the number ofchildren with adequate chewing. However,it was clarified that evaluations of masticatoryperformance differed between parents and dietitians. Furthermore,parental awarenessregarding food and nutrition education at nursery school and improvement of masticatoryperformance were also low. A masticatory performance assessment survey was conducted twiceon nursery school children using two types of chewing gum. Compared with the initial survey,results four months later showed an increase in mean evaluation scores for sugar elution andcolor-evolving and this increase was significantly. Sugar elution and color-evolving changeassessment values tended to be higher in ursery school children evaluated by dietitians to bechewing but this trend was not significant. Although evaluation using chewing gum requiresfurther investigation,these findings indicate the necessity of comprehensive evaluation ofmasticatory performance in nursery school children through observation and chewing gumbasedassessment. Furthermore,information dissemination is required in order to increase theconsciousness of parents regarding the importance of chewing.
- 広島女学院大学生活科学部の論文
- 2010-03-09
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