大学スポーツ選手に対する栄養管理 : -行動科学理論を用いた検討-
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In the present study, we established an appropriate target nutrient intake and a sports nutrition management plan individually for six players aiming to gain weight by the Fall League, and implemented this nutrition program for 9 months using the health behavior theory. The results showed that four of the players achieved the target nutrient intake for energy and protein, while the other two players came close to the target levels but failed to reach them. As for weight gain, four of the six players achieved their target body weight, but the other two had no change in body weight. Fat-free mass increased in all players, however. The increased body weight as well as vitamins B1, B2and C intake observed in the present study were thought to demonstrate the effect of sports nutrition management.
- 2012-00-00
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