Virtual bronchoscopic navigation combined with endobronchial ultrasound to diagnose small peripheral pulmonary lesions : a randomised trial
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Background: Bronchoscopy using endobronchial ultrasound (EBUS) can help to diagnose small peripheral pulmonary lesions. However, although biopsy sites can be confirmed, a bronchoscope cannot be guided in EBUS. Virtual bronchoscopic navigation (VBN) can guide a bronchoscope with virtual images, but its value has not been confirmed. Methods: This prospective multicentre study examines the value of VBN-assisted EBUS for diagnosing small peripheral pulmonary lesions. 199 patients with small peripheral pulmonary lesions (diameter ≤ 30 mm) were randomly assigned to VBN-assisted (VBNA) or non-VBN-assisted (NVBNA) groups. A bronchoscope was introduced into the target bronchus of the VBNA group using the VBN system. Sites of specimen sampling were verified using EBUS with a guide sheath under fluoroscopy. Results: The diagnostic yield was higher for the VBNA than for the NVBNA group (80.4% vs 67.0%; p=0.032). The duration of the examination and time elapsed until the start of sample collection were reduced in the VBNA compared with the NVBNA group (median (range), 24.0 (8.7-47.0) vs 26.2 (11.6-58.6) min, p=0.016) and 8.1 (2.8-39.2) vs 9.8 (2.3-42.3) min, p=0.045, respectively). The only adverse event was mild pneumothorax in a patient from the NVBNA group. Conclusions: The diagnostic yield for small peripheral pulmonary lesions is increased when VBN is combined with EBUS.
Oizumi S
First Department Of Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Oizumi Satoshi
北海道大学 医学部第一内科学
Oizumi Satoshi
First Department Of Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Nishimura M
First Department Of Medicine Hokkaido University School Of Medicine
Nakashima M
Department Of Molecular Immunology And Clinical Immunology Medical Institute Of Bioregulation Kyushu
Nakashima M
Kyushu Univ. Fukuoka Jpn
ISHIDA Takashi
the First Department of Medicine, Hokkaido University School of Medicine
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