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The problem of optimizing the parameters of the high-speed single-sided linear induction motor (SLIM) is approached using nonlinear programing. Five principal design parameters are chosen as the indipendent variables, and the materials of the secondary reaction rail is expressed as their objective function. The power factor-efficiency product, the maximum flux density in teeth and the primary length are selected as constraint function. Optimization problem is mathmatically formed by use of the design formulas of SLIM approximately taking into account the end effect, skin effect and airgap leakage. The sequential unconstrained minimization technique (SUMT) and the simplex method are used to solve the problem. The method is applied to the SLIM for the propulsion of the 300 km/h magnetic levitated vehicle of about 20 m length and 27 tons weight.
- 長崎大学工学部,Faculty of Engineering, Nagasaki Universityの論文
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