- 論文の詳細を見る
In this study we investigated ground beetles living in the Nara Campus of Kinki University, central Japan. In threeenvironments (pound edge, grassland, forest), ground beetles were collected using pitfall traps. A total of 1641 beetleswere collected, representing 18 families and 74 species. Of these, 298 beetles, representing, 11 families and, 39species, werecollected at the pound edge. The dominant species at this site were Onthophagus nitidus, Eusilpha japonica, Carabusyaconinus yaconinus, Amara chalcites, Pheropsophus jessoensis and Platydracus inornatus. A total of 248 beetles, including 12 families and 47species, were collected in the grassland. The dominant species of this site were Synuchus congruous, Pheropsophus jessoensis, Harpalus niigatanus, nisodactylus punctatipennis, Agrypnus scrofa and Bradycellus subditus. A total of 1097 beetles, representing 13 families and 42species, were collected in the forest. The dominant species of this site were Onthophagus nitidus, Synuchus congruous, Nebria chinensis and Nebria chinensis. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index (H') was 5.23 at the pound edge, 4.85 in the grassland and 3.55 in the forest. The Simpson diversity index (SID) was 11.14 at the pound edge, 18.28 in the grassland and 7.87 in the forest. The Kimoto similarity index (Cπ) was 0.654between the pound edge and the grassland, 0.495 between the forest and the grassland and 0.455 between the pound edge and forest. Ochiai similarity(OI) was 0.375 between the pound edge and the forest, 0.349 between the pound edge and the grassland and 0.236 between the grassland and the forest. The disturbance degree index( ID) was 1.81 at the pound edge, 1.42 in the grassland and 1.28 in the orest. These plots are subject to disturbance; that at the pound edge and in the grassland is similar to that reported for riversides, and that in the forest is similar to that reported for mountain forests.
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