- 論文の詳細を見る
Due to the subtropical forest and forestry, the instability of the wood supply, low demand of the wood usage and the disadvantages of the island location, the forestry cooperatives in Okinawa are weak and inactive in comparing to the other prefecture in terms of wood productions and forest products based enterprises, etc. After the reversion of Okinawa, forest related activities have been promoted intensively in comparison with the other prefectures. Even though, forestation remains the main activities, the forestry cooperatives still extremely relied on the work designated by the prefecture government and any toher local municipalities. Due to the seasonable work designated to the forestry cooperatives, followed by the low wages of an aged part time workers and instability of work force supply, it is not reasonable to presume that the weak management is the only main cause regarding to the issues.
- 琉球大学の論文
- 2002-12-01
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