高知県南西部の宝永・安政南海道津波の調査 : 久礼・入野・土佐清水の津波の高さ
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The west coast of Kii Peninsula and Shikoku, western Japan, suffered severe damage from the three Nankaido tsunamis of 1707, 1854 and 1946. There are many old monuments of the 1854 Ansei tsunami along the Kochi coast. Old documents on the Hoei (Oct. 28, 1707) and Ansei (Dec. 24, 1854) tsunamis along the southwest coast of Kochi Prefecture were collected during the present field investigation and illustrated in this paper. Based on the documents, the inundation heights of the 1707 Hoei and 1854 Ansei tsunamis were surveyed by handlevel and compared with those of the 1946 Nankaido tsunami (Dec. 21, 1946). The inundation heights (above M. S. L.) of the 1854 Ansei tsunami along the southwest coast of Kochi averaged 5.5 meters. Those of the 1707 Hoei tsunami averaged 7.7 meters with maximums of 10 meters at places. Although the inundation heights of the 1946 tsunami along the entire Pacific side of Shikoku were nearly uniform, the patterns of height distribution along the west coast of Shikoku for the 1707 and 1854 tsunamis differ significantly from those of the 1946 tsunami. The inundation heights of the 1854 Ansei and 1707 Hoei tsunamis on the western Shikoku coast were 1.5 and 2.1 times respectively, higher than those of the 1946 tsunami. This suggests that the rise times and/or the amount of the slip displacements on the west part of the fault might be different.
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