漢方薬抽出自動包装機を用いた湯液品質の経時変化(2) : 葛根湯について
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In recent years, decoctions that are stored for 1 month after production by decocting machines, which can package in a single operation, have been used in clinical practice. However, changes in the quality of decoctions stored on a long-term basis have not been fully elucidated. Though we have previously reported that significant changes were not observed in the color or principal compounds of packed decoctions of Daiokanzoto produced by a decocting machine within 1 month at room temperature, the safety of such decoctions in terms of microorganisms has not been verified. Therefore, in this study, we stored Kakkonto produced by a decocting machine for 1 month at 4, 25, and 40℃, and analyzed microbial levels, as established by the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, as well as the color, taste, and principal compounds of the decoctions. The results showed that microbial levels (aerobic bacterium, fungus, Escherichia coli, and salmonella) fulfilled the criteria of the Japanese Pharmacopoeia, and the color of Kakkonto was maintained for 5 weeks at 4℃ and 25℃, and 2 weeks at 40℃. Discernible changes in taste were not detected for 1 week at 4℃ or for 2 weeks at 25℃. In addition, principal compounds (ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, glycyrrhizin, and puerarin) hardly showed any change. Therefore, we concluded that the packed decoctions of Kakkonto produced by a decocting machine could be stored for a maximum of 2 weeks at 25℃ and 1 week at 4℃ without significant changes in quality.
- 2014-02-20
川崎 武志
垣内 信子
御影 雅幸
平澤 沙恵香
安食 菜穂子
藤田 和成
太田(堂井) 美里
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