地方分権化と教育行政の課題(総括,地方分権化と教育行政の課題,III シンポジウム)
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I Purposes of this Symposium This symposium was held on 29th September 1996 at the 31st Annual Conference of the Japan Educational Administration Society. Its purposes were to analyze decenralization policy and its impact on educational administration, to consider the tasks for the decentralization of educational administration with special reference to the needs of changing society and to educational reform movement in international perspective, and to examine practical issues for promoting the decentralization of Japanese educational administration. II Summary of Proposals by the Three Panelists 1 Proposal of Tsutomu HORIUCHI (Kyoto University of Education) 1) The problem of the decentralization of educational administration has been posed by national administration reform policy. 2) But it should be considered sinserely, because the educational administration is the least decentralized but in fact should be the most decentralized. 3) The two axioms for decentralization are (1)participation of citizens and parents in administration, and (2)assurance of professionalism in educational administration. 2 Proposal of Yoshimi TSUBOI (Aichi University of Education) 1) Redistribution of educational affairs among central and local educational authorities should be considered to assure the fundamental rights of education and to promote democratization, efficiency and equity in educational administration. 2) This redistribution will be varied by the nature of educational affairs. 3) To realize educational autonomy, a "School Conference" should be created which should assure the participation of parents, citizens, pupils and teachers and be the highest organ of policy-making in school management. 3 Proposal of Yoshiharu YAMAUCHI (Superintendent of Board of Education, Higashi Hirosima City) 1) It should be questioned whether local boards of education have the appropriate power or not to undertake decentralization. 2) The tasks of decentralization are to meet thte "individualization" of local education. III Main topics of discussion 1) How can the study of educational administration contribute to the practice of educational administration reform? 2) What are definitions of "decentralization," "autonomy," "participation,"? 3) How can we assure professionalism in educational administration, especially with the contribution of universities to the education of educational administrators? 4) Most local boards of education do not have adequate facilities to decentralize educational administration. What will be necessary to reach an appropriate level? 5) About the possibilities of decentralization for each item of educational administration. For example, the nomination of the superintendent of the board of education, determination of the course of study, the adoption of textbooks, and so forth. 6) Finally, concepts and possibilities for a "School Conference" proposed by Professor Y. TSUBOI.
- 日本教育行政学会の論文
- 1997-10-17
- フランス「新教育基本法」下における教育改革に関する総合的研究 (一)
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- (2) 教員給与制度の研究
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- 現代公教育の中立性に関する研究
- 義務教育概念に関する研究
- 「学校・学級の編成」 : 学級編制・教職員配置の実態と改革課題
- (6) 義務教育制度の比較研究
- フランス・西ドイツにおける有給教育休暇制度の検討:労働者の学習権保障の観点から
- 学校・学級の編制に関する研究 : 学級編制の原理を問う
- 学級編制・教職員配置の改革課題(学級編制・教職員配置の実態と改革課題)
- 学級編制・教職員配置の改革課題
- 討論のまとめ(学級編制の原理を問う)
- 生涯学習時代における初等教育の役割
- 全体シンポジウム『教育研究の五〇年を検証する--その総括と今後の展望』 : 教育問題に貢献する教育行政研究を求めて
- 教師教育 : 教員養成カリキュラムの編成原理 : ヨーロッパにおける教師教育の改革動向から
- 『欧米における教育改革の動向 : フランスにおける教えられる者の学習権の保障を中心に』
- 〔討論〕(II シンポジウム「教育改革と行財政の課題」,第1部 教育改革と行政課題,創立20周年記念号)
- 諸外国における教員の資質向上のための行政施策(III 共同研究)
- 主要国における「指導助言行政職」制度の改革(II 共同研究)
- 地方分権化と教育行政の課題(総括,地方分権化と教育行政の課題,III シンポジウム)
- 大学の視点から(提案・3,初等中等教育と高等教育との接続問題,III シンポジウム)
- 教育行政学の課題と展望(座談会・2,第2部 日本教育行政学会20年の歩みと展望,創立20周年記念号)
- 1. 教育の国際化と教育行政の課題 : そのカタログ(提案,教育の国際化と行政の課題,II シンポジウム)
- まえがき
- 現行教育委員会制度の問題点(IV シンポジウム)
- (II 第2回大会課題研究「戦後教育政策研究の回顧と展望」)
- 第二期「1960年〜1979年:安保改定期から高度成長期まで」について(II 第2回大会課題研究「戦後教育政策研究の回顧と展望」)