知的障害者のスポーツ活動における大学生ボランティアの継続参加プロセス : スペシャルオリンピックス日本・青森の事例から
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This study present aimed clarifying university student volunteers' continuation participatory process in sporting activities for person with intellectual disability. Interview investigation was conducted to the university student volunteers who belonged to "Special Olympics Nippon Aomori", and those data was analyzed by the Modified Grounded Theory Approach (M-GTA). Their interview data suggested the followings. They had started the volunteer activities with various participating motives. As they continued sporting activities for person with intellectual disability, they repeated not only affirmative experience but also negative experience, and a dilemma was accumulated by them. Moreover, they felt any complaint about their low evaluation caused their few working experience.
- 2012-06-30
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