- 論文の詳細を見る
The present action research is a unique attempt in that junior high school students performed a storytelling in English for elementary school children. This practical-minded research asked three questions: (a) What kinds of activities are possible for junior high school students in preparation for the storytelling performance, which would integrate four English skills? (b) How much can elementary school children understand of the story told to them? (c) What is the significance of storytelling activities for both elementary school children and junior high school students? Twelve ninth graders participated and performed for fourth graders. The ninth graders went through various activities in order to prepare for the storytelling performance, which required four skills in English. The degree of comprehension on the part of the elementary school children was measured after the performance. As a result, it was proved that children have a capacity to understand a story even though they do not know every individual word used in the story. In the preparation stage, the junior high school students enjoyed expressing their ideas, discussing them with their peers, and collaborating with each other; in other words, they enjoyed being in a "learning community," which was clearly reflected in their reflection sheets. Also they learned how to rewrite a story on their own based on the original, with the audience in mind. In conclusion, storytelling is an effective activity in terms of language learning, building confidence in students, and creating a learning community in school.
- 関東甲信越英語教育学会の論文
- 2008-03-01
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