漢方エキス製剤の品質評価について(第2報) : 「乾姜」中の[6]-shogaol
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There is a need for marker substances for the control over the manufacturing process of the preparation of Chinese medicinal prescriptions. In this paper, we isolated the main pungent compound [6]-shogaol (6-S) from steam dried "Ginger," examined its physical characteristics and determined its content in various samples using HPLC, to find out if it was suitable as its marker substance. On the basis of these tests, [6]-shogaol (6-S) is considered to be satisfactory as the marker substance for the evaluation of steam dried "Ginger" and Chinese medicinal prescriptions containing the crude drug.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1987-12-20
鹿野 美弘
斉藤 謙一
田部 昌弘
Nagakura Pharmaceutical Company Ltd.
鹿野 美弘
安田 眞宰穂
田部 昌弘
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