Urinary and Biliary Metabolites of Puerarin in Rats
- 論文の詳細を見る
Examination was made of the urinary and biliary excretion of the metabolites of puerarin, the major component of the roots of Pueraria lobata OHWI (Leguminosae) in rats. The urine of rats administered puerarin orally contained puerarin and four major metabolites, daidzein 4', 7-di-O-sulfate (M-I), daidzein 7-O-β-D-glucuronide (M-II), daidzein 4'-O-sulfate (M-III), daidzein (M-IV), as determined from spectroscopic and chemical data. Total cumulative amounts of the puerarin and four metabolites excreted in the urine at 48 h following the oral administration of puerarin were approximately 3.6% the doses administered. The bile of rats administered puerarin orally contained puerarin and two major metabolites, which were identified as puerarin 4'-O-sulfate (PB1) and puerarin 7-O-β-D-glucuronide (PB2) on the basis of chemical and spectroscopic data. These experimental data suggest that C-glycoside puerarin is partially hydrolyzed to aglycone in the body, but mainly excreted in the urine as unchanged puerarin.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1995-02-15
鹿野 美弘
斉藤 謙一
Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
斉藤 謙一
安田 高明
大澤 啓助
安田 高明
Saito K
Department Of Kampo Medicinal Science Hokkaido College Of Pharmacy
安田 高明
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
鹿野 美宏
Hokkaido Institute of Pharmaceutical Science
大澤 啓助
Tohoku College of Pharmacy
斉藤 謙一
Department Of Physiology And Anatomy Nihon University College Of Pharmacy
Yasuda T
Department Of Phytochemistry Tohoku Pharmaceutical University
Shinozaki Kazuo
Riken Kanagawa Jpn
安田 高明
Department Of Phytochemistry Tohoku Pharmaceutical University
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