フロキノリン類(第18報) : ペーパークロマトグラフィーによるカラタチおよびミカン属植物中のアルカロイドの検索
- 論文の詳細を見る
The presence of sklmmianlne was proved in the leaves and stems of Poncirus trifoliata RAFINESQIJE by paper partition chromatography. Skimmianine was also detected in the leaves of Citrus Aurantium L. subsp. amara ENGLER, stems of C. Aurantium subsp. Natsudadai HAYATA, and stems of C. Unshiu MAKINO.
- 日本生薬学会の論文
- 1959-12-24
山川 敏郎
太田 達男
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
宮崎 利夫
山川 敏郎
宮崎 利夫
Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science (formerly Tokyo College Of Pharmacy)
山川 敏郎
太田 達男
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- Structural Analysis of Alkaline-Soluble Polysaccharide, P-1,from the Kernels of Prunus mume SIEB. et ZUCC.
- Biological Activity and Structural Characterization of Alkaline-Soluble Polysaccharides from the Kernels of Prunus mume SIEB. et ZACC.
- Immunopharmacological Characterization of a Highly Branched Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucan, OL-2,Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens
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- Physicochemical Characteristics and Antitumor Activities of a Highly Branched Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucan, OL-2,Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens
- Activation of Complement and Limulus Coagulation Systems by an Alkali-Soluble Glucan Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens and Its Less-Branched Derivatives. (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XXXIX)
- Structure and Antitumor Activity of the Less-Branched Derivatives of an Alkali-Soluble Glucan Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens. (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XXXVIII)
- Purification and Structural Characterization of an Antitumor β-1,3-Glucan Isolated from Hot Water Extract of the Fruit Body of Cultured Grifola frondosa
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- Furoquinolines. XVII. On φ-Dictamnine of Asahina and Inubuse.
- Furoquinolines. X. Synthesis of Dihydroskimmianine.
- Furoquinolines. IX. Synthesis of 5-Methylfuro-[3,2-c] quinolin-4 (5H)-one via Perkin Rearrangement of 3-Bromo-5,6-dihydro-6-methyl-2H-pyrano [3,2-c] quinoline-2,5-dione.
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- Furoquinolines. II. : Catalytic Reduction of Skimmianine (Addendum).
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- フロキノリン類(第18報) : ペーパークロマトグラフィーによるカラタチおよびミカン属植物中のアルカロイドの検索
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