- 論文の詳細を見る
ATSO, an antitumor polysaccharide from Coriolus versicolor, was found to strongly suppress the growth of a solid-type sarcoma-180 in mice. The additive effect of ATSO and anticancer chemotherapeutics on antitumor activity and immune response was examined in tumor-bearing and normal mice. The delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity (DCH) of mice was depressed after implantation of tumor and treatment with antitumor chemotherapeutic drugs. ATSO inhibited the depression of DCH by intraperitoneal or oral administration, but ATSO did not increase DCH of normal mice. The combination treatment of a low dose of ATSO and drugs was found to promote tumor regression significantly in mice.
- 社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 1977-02-25
伊藤 均
杉浦 衛
横浜 宏
米山 淳一
国久 昌弘
宮崎 利夫
宮崎 利夫
Tokyo University Of Pharmacy And Life Science (formerly Tokyo College Of Pharmacy)
宮崎 利夫
東京薬科大学 薬
国久 昌弘
- Inactivation of (1→3)-β-D-Glucan in Mice
- Structural Analysis of Alkaline-Soluble Polysaccharide, P-1,from the Kernels of Prunus mume SIEB. et ZUCC.
- Biological Activity and Structural Characterization of Alkaline-Soluble Polysaccharides from the Kernels of Prunus mume SIEB. et ZACC.
- Immunopharmacological Characterization of a Highly Branched Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucan, OL-2,Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第18報) : マイタケ菌糸体多糖の細分画と抗腫瘍活性
- 髪菜(Nostoc flagelliforme)熱水抽出物の担腫瘍マウスのマクロファ-ジ活性
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第16報) : ニンギョウタケ(人形茸)子実体及び培養菌糸体多糖の抗腫瘍活性について
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第14報) : ヒメマツタケ(姫松茸)から得られた水不溶-多糖類の抗腫瘍活性について
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第13報) : ヒメマツタケ(姫松茸)の抗腫瘍性水可溶-多糖類について
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第17報) : ヤマブシタケ子実体(猴頭)多糖の抗腫瘍活性について
- 制癌性多糖類に関する研究(第12報) : 二三の薬用キノコのβ-D-グルカン及びキチン質の抗腫瘍活性について
- コレステロール負荷家兎の実験的動脈硬化症に対するヒメマツタケ(岩出101株)細胞壁破砕抽出エキス(CWC-ABWE)の抑制作用
- Physicochemical Characteristics and Antitumor Activities of a Highly Branched Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucan, OL-2,Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens
- Activation of Complement and Limulus Coagulation Systems by an Alkali-Soluble Glucan Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens and Its Less-Branched Derivatives. (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XXXIX)
- Structure and Antitumor Activity of the Less-Branched Derivatives of an Alkali-Soluble Glucan Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens. (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XXXVIII)
- Purification and Structural Characterization of an Antitumor β-1,3-Glucan Isolated from Hot Water Extract of the Fruit Body of Cultured Grifola frondosa
- Structural Characterization and Antitumor Activity of the Extracts from Matted Mycelium of Cultured Grifola frondosa
- Neutral and Acidic Antitumor Polysaccharides Extracted from Cultured Fruit Bodies of Grifola frondosa
- Antitumor Activity and Structural Characterization of Glucans Extracted from Cultured Fruit Bodies of Grifola frondosa
- Aspergillus Proteinaseに関する研究(第8報)Aspergillus melleusの産生する微アルカリプロティナーゼの腸管吸収
- Coriolus versicolor Iwadeの産生する抗腫瘍多糖体Coriolanの効果
- エステル型薬物の加水分解における小腸エステラーゼの種特異性
- カワラタケ由来ATSOの生体免疫機能に及ぼす影響
- 霊芝の毒性に関する研究
- Antitumor Polysaccharide Fraction from Sargassum thunbergii
- 担子菌類の抗腫瘍作用について--多糖の抗腫瘍効果と性差
- Chemical Structure of Antitumor Polysaccharide, Coriolan, produced by Coriolus versicolor
- 薬学教育における薬剤師教育
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- Semi-Alkaline Proteinaseの不溶化とその酵素的性質
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- Antitumor Polysaccharide Fraction from the Culture Filtrate of Fomes fomentarius
- Structural Analysis of Glucan by Identification of Methylated Sugars by Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectra
- 真菌多糖類の研究-31-スッポンタケ(Phallus impudicus)におけるglycuronanの局在性とその構造解析〔英文〕
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- Carotenoids of Staphylococcus citreus.
- Isolation of a Water-soluble Polysaccharide from the Mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. V)
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- Antitumor Activity of an Immunomodulating Material extracted from a Fungus, Peziza vesiculosa
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- 味噌に含有される生理活性物質の検索-5-アルカリ抽出画分中のマイトジェン活性物質の検討
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- Polysaccharides of Type XIX Pneumococcus. III. Chemical Structure of the Repeating Unit
- Chemical Structure of an Intracellular Polysaccharide of Penicillium chrysogenum : Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. VI.
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- Comparison of Human Placental with Intestinal Alkaline phosphatase
- Determination of Trypsin Activity in Serum
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- Radioimmunoassay of human intestinal alkaline phosphatase