- Structural Analysis of Alkaline-Soluble Polysaccharide, P-1,from the Kernels of Prunus mume SIEB. et ZUCC.
- Biological Activity and Structural Characterization of Alkaline-Soluble Polysaccharides from the Kernels of Prunus mume SIEB. et ZACC.
- Immunopharmacological Characterization of a Highly Branched Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucan, OL-2,Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens
- Physicochemical Characteristics and Antitumor Activities of a Highly Branched Fungal (1→3)-β-D-Glucan, OL-2,Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens
- Structure and Antitumor Activity of the Less-Branched Derivatives of an Alkali-Soluble Glucan Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens. (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XXXVIII)
- Purification and Structural Characterization of an Antitumor β-1,3-Glucan Isolated from Hot Water Extract of the Fruit Body of Cultured Grifola frondosa
- Antitumor Activity and Structural Characterization of Glucans Extracted from Cultured Fruit Bodies of Grifola frondosa
- Isolation of Galactosaminoglycan Moiety (CO-N) from Protein-Bound Polysaccharide of Cordyceps ophioglossoides and Its Effects against Murine Tumors
- Synthesis and Cytotoxicity of Bredinin 5'-Monophosphate
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. X. Extracellular Heteroglycans of Absidia cylindrospora and Mucor mucedo
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. IX. The Acidic Polysaccharide from the Cell Wall of Rhizopus nigricans
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. VIII. Extracellular Heteroglycans of Rhizopus nigricans
- Acidic Polysaccharides from the Cell Wall of Absidia cylindrospora, Mucor mucedo, and Rhizopus nigricans
- Structural Feature of Pneumococcus Type XIX Specific Polysaccharide
- Furoquinolines. XX. Alkaloids of the Leaves of Ruta graveolens L. and Synthesis of Dihydrokokusaginine
- Furoquinolines. XVII. On φ-Dictamnine of Asahina and Inubuse.
- Furoquinolines. X. Synthesis of Dihydroskimmianine.
- Furoquinolines. IX. Synthesis of 5-Methylfuro-[3,2-c] quinolin-4 (5H)-one via Perkin Rearrangement of 3-Bromo-5,6-dihydro-6-methyl-2H-pyrano [3,2-c] quinoline-2,5-dione.
- フロキノリン類(第7報)5-Methylfuro〔3,2-c〕quinolin-4-oneの合成について
- フロキノリン類(第6報)ジクタムニン及びスキミアニンに対する線型三環構造の実証
- Py-Benzyl-4-hydroxycarbostyril類の合成
- 過酸化水素によるP-プロピルフェノールの酸化〔英文〕
- Studies on the Constituents of Boenninghausenia albiflora MEISSNER var. japonica S. SUZUKI. II. Structure of Matsukaze-lactone. (2)
- Studies on the Constituents of Boenninghausenia albiflora MEISSNER var. japonica S. SUZUKI. I. Structure of Matsukaze-lactone. (1)
- Furoquinolines. XXI. Synthesis and Alkoxyl Interchange of 4-Ethoxy furo [2,3-b] quinoline and its 2,3-Dihydro Analogs.
- Isolation of Trifolin from the White Flowers of Prunus Persica BATSCH
- Antitumor Polysaccharide Fraction from the Culture Filtrate of Fomes fomentarius
- Characterization of Extracellular Mannoheteroglycans from Absidia cylindrospora
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. XX. Galactomannan of Cordyceps sinensis
- Carotenoids of Staphylococcus citreus.
- ○女貞の成分について
- Furoquinolines. II. : Catalytic Reduction of Skimmianine (Addendum).
- ○ヒノキ酸およびその水素化体の鳥型結核菌に対する抗菌性
- 女貞の成分について
- 2-(2'-Furyl)-Chromone類の合成
- クロウメモドキ果実油の脂肪酸
- 女貞の成分について
- フロキノリン類〔英文〕-1・2-
- のいばら果実の成分(2)-フラボン配糖体について-
- キノリン-7・8-ジオールの合成
- なんてん種子油の脂肪酸
- 2,4-ヂオキシ-6,7-メチレンヂオキシ-キノリン3-アルデヒドの合成
- のいばら果実の成分-第1報-
- 2,4-ヂオキシ-6,7-メチレンヂオキシ-キノリン-3-アルデヒドの合成
- Extracellular Polysaccharide of Cladosporium herbarum Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XIII
- Isolation of a Water-soluble Polysaccharide from the Mycelium of Penicillium chrysogenum (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. V)
- Isolation and Structure of α-1,3-Linked Glucan from the Hyphal Wall of Phytophthora infestans
- An Extracellular Glucan of Pythium debaryanum : Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. VII
- Further Examination on the Structure of an Alkali-SOluble Glucan Isolated from Omphalia lapidescens : Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XXXVI
- Structural Analysis of an Acidic Polysaccharide from Ganoderma lucidum (Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. XXXV
- Polysaccharides of Type XIX Pneumococcus. III. Chemical Structure of the Repeating Unit
- Chemical Structure of an Intracellular Polysaccharide of Penicillium chrysogenum : Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. VI.
- 牡丹皮の主成分ペオノールの虫垂炎起炎菌に対する抗菌作用
- コウトウゲッキツ葉のアルカロイドについて
- フロキノリン類(第18報) : ペーパークロマトグラフィーによるカラタチおよびミカン属植物中のアルカロイドの検索
- 白南天果実のアルカロイドについて
- フロキノリン類(第11報) : 関東および東北各地産ミヤマシキミ属植物のアルカロイド成分について
- ヨウシュヤマゴボウのフラボノイド配糖体について
- ケルセチンペントシド,アビクラリンに関する追補
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. XXVII. Structural Examination of a Water-soluble, Antitumor Polysaccharide of Ganoderma lucidum
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. XXVI. An alkalisoluble Glucan of Omphalia lepidescence
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. XIX. Chemical Structure of a Water Soluble Polysaccharide from the Cell Wall of Cladosporium trichoides
- Chemical Structures of Main Extracellular Polysaccharides of Alternaria solani and Fusarium solani. Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. XVIII
- Extracellular Heteroglycan of Cladosporium tricoides. : Studies on Fungal Polysaccarides. XVI
- Chemical Structure of the Water-soluble Glucan from the Cell Wall of Cladosporium herbarum. Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XV
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharide. XII. Water-soluble Polysaccharide of Grifora umbellata (FR.) PILAT
- Studies on Fungal Polysaccharides. I. On the Isolation and Chemical Properties of Capsular Polysaccharide from Cryptococcus neoformans.