2A1-F15 滑らかなリーチング動作のための手先位置フィードバックによる非線形目標位置整形
- 論文の詳細を見る
A nonlinear reference shaping for the manipulator control in living environments is proposed. It generates an intermediate reference position, and by connecting the position and the manipulator's endpoint with virtual spring-damper system, the robot acceleration is moderated and human-like smooth but accurate reaching motions are generated. It also makes the motion pliant against external force applied to the robot by feeding back the hand position of the manipulator to the reference shaping controller. Furthermore, according to the initial/desired hand position, the parameter of the reference shaping controller r is changed dynamically to avoid large acceleration and generate more smooth, human-like reaching motions. The validity of the proposed method is shown through computer simulations on a planar 4-DOF manipulator.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2009-05-25
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- 2A1-F15 滑らかなリーチング動作のための手先位置フィードバックによる非線形目標位置整形
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