2A1-H02 群ロボットによる複数の移動ゴールの追従(マルチエージェント・モジュールロボット)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Tracking control is an essential requirement for robot swarms capable of performing a wide variety of tasks in an unknown dynamic environment. In this paper, we present a cooperative tracking strategy that enables large swarms of robots to split into smaller groups and follow multiple moving goals in the presence of environmental constraints. Using a network of local interactions, the proposed strategy is implemented with two principal functions of both adaptive flocking and determination of a goal direction. During the flocking process, the robots with limited range of sensing are able to maintain a uniform distance to each other, while following multiple moving goals. Finally, we verify the effectiveness of the proposed tracking strategy by computer simulations both in empty and cluttered environments.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-05-11
丁 洛榮
丁 洛榮
Japan Advanced Institute Of Science And Tech.
丁 洛榮
李 根浩
花田 洋輔
李 根浩
花田 洋輔
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