- 論文の詳細を見る
Designing of facilities such as set-nets, net cages, and artificial reefs requires calculation of the wave force. However, wave force calculations have previously been made using a computer because the mathematical treatment of waves is complex and even in the easiest wave theory, a hyperbolic function was applied. Furthermore it needed an integral calculation incorporating the water depth. On the other hand, currently available scientific electronic calculators are commonly equipped with a hyperbolic function and memory function. Consequently, we devised a simplified method of wave force calculation using a scientific electronic calculator and compared it with the conventional method using a computer. We regarded such fishery facilities as submerged spheres and cylinders for the sake of simplicity and calculated the wave force acting on them by both methods. It became clear that we can regard that there is little difference between wave force estimated by the simplified method and the one by the conventional method. That means the simplified method is effective. Therefore, although wave calculation in the past required a computer, the calculation by the simplified method requires only a scientific electronic calculator, which allows the wave calculation to be easily done by hand.
- 2010-11-15
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