Study on Elastic Responses in Waves of Modular Floating System with Flexible Joints(2nd report)Deflection of floating structure in waves〔含 Discussions〕
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In the study of floating structure in waves, such as Modular Floating System, one of the important points is regarding the hydroelasticity problem. This question is addressed in the present work, which extends the computational analysis that was reported in first report. In this study, we present a simple method to study the hydroelasticity of the connected floating structure in waves. The four modules linked inline using the flexible rubber connection in head waves were studied. The flexible connection consists of male and female rubber fenders and additional pre-tensioned ropes. The modules themselves were assumed to be rigid. In the calculation, the modules are assumed to be connected by simple hinge, flexible rubber connection with no gaps between adjacent modules. The experiments for a three-dimensional model were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of the calculation method.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2005-03-20
信川 寿
Prasodjo Budi
Graduate School For Idec Hiroshima University
信川 寿
信川 寿
信川 寿
Graduate School for IDEC, Hiroshima University
Hiroshima University
MAEDA Katsuya
National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI)
Saito K
Graduate School For Idec Hiroshima University
Saito Kimio
Graduate School For International Development And Cooperation (idec) Hiroshima University
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