2005A-G1-3 Elastic Responses in Waves of Coastal Cargo Ship with Flexible Joints
信川 寿
Prasodjo Budi
Graduate School For Idec Hiroshima University
信川 寿
信川 寿
信川 寿
Graduate School for IDEC, Hiroshima University
HIGO Yasushi
Graduate School for IDEC, Hiroshima University
Hiroshima University
MAEDA Katsuya
National Maritime Research Institute (NMRI)
Saito K
Graduate School For Idec Hiroshima University
Higo Yasushi
Graduate School For Idec Hiroshima University
Saito Kimio
Graduate School For International Development And Cooperation (idec) Hiroshima University
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- Cost Minimization of Double Hull Tanker Structures Based on Plastic Design
- Optimization of Ship Structures Based on Plastic Design〔付 討論〕
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- クレ-ンのアウトリガ反力の解析と安全嫁動範囲のマイコン表示
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- 二重殼船体の船底彎曲部の連結構造と強度について
- Application of Multiplier Method to Ship Structural Optimization in View of the Discrete Values of Standard Plate Thickness