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To evaluate the reliability of floating structures and submerged structures due to <UND>___-erwater <EX>___-plosion (UNDEX) loading, it is necessary to estimate the structural response efficiently and exactly. In this study, the basic underwater explosion shock test has performed using the structural model mounting two air backed steel diaphragms and measured the pressure and strain time history data. From a series of tests, the structural response due to bubble pulse is large enough to neglect comparing with that due to the response due to shock wave. To compare the test results and the numerical simulation, it is confirmed that this simulation method is enough to predict the response due to UNDEX. And, the authors present an approximate equation to estimate the maximum strain of the structures on the basis of the measured data.
- 社団法人日本船舶海洋工学会の論文
- 2000-03-29
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