鈴鹿短期大学における「学び」の存在論的次元 : 鈴鹿短期大学におけるFD の取り組みとしての授業事例研究
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On this article, we explored when students escape from `learning'. Talking or sleeping in class, apathy, and so on, so called `escape from "learning"' is occured in Suzuka juniorcollege. They are tired in junior college life, and feel dull to class. Their experiences in practice teaching in preschool evoke those feelings. In the process of practice teaching, theyreduce their motivation to want to be a child care giver. Then they lose their purposes of `learning'.We regard `escape from learning' as a certain problem about participation to a community of practice. This means we regard `leaning' as participation to communities of practice. Wetook questionnaires to survey their feelings to junior college life and changes of their motivation to be a child care giver, and interviewed some students to survey theirexperiences in practice teaching in preschool.
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- 鈴鹿短期大学における「学び」の存在論的次元 : 鈴鹿短期大学におけるFD の取り組みとしての授業事例研究
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