- 論文の詳細を見る
The study investigates influence to the stressor and dislike for going to school in college life from the motives for entrance into university. Many papers, to date, have addressed motives for university entrance , but none have done so to infulence to the stressor and dislike for going to college life. In this study on motives for university entrance , factor analysis of data by 525 college students, revealed five main factors "Going along with Others", "Enjoyment", "Moratorium", "Character building", "Healthy aim" were extracted from initial set of 34 items. Stressor were composed of 3 factor for example "Friend" and "Study". Dislike for going to school was composed of 1 factor. The data were analyzed using covariance structure analysis, and the relations between observed variables and latent variables were examined. It was shown that, according to this models, the Goodness of Fit Index resulting from the data was satisfactorily high. As a result, it is investigated that the motives for entrance into university influence to the stressor and dislike for school life into college life.
- 日本キャリア教育学会の論文
- 2002-03-31
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