***の親子世代間におけるマナー意識と行動 : 影響する要因の検討
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As regards the table and social manners, an investigation was made on how people have acquired their manner consciousness and behavior under what sort of situations. We dealt with three groups of people with a view to determining the factors affecting their manners. The findings of the investigation are as follows. 1. Manners tended to do disregared when there was no one around to observe their behaviors. The table manners were often neglected at the family dinner, and the social manners were ignored when they were with their friends. 2. Many people had learned the table manners from their family, while the social manners had been taught by their family and society. 3. Those having had no opportunities of learning manners had bad manners, which showed the importance of teaching manners. Family, friend, society, teachers and books are the useful tools for the acquisition of good manners. 4. The group consisting largely of those with bad manners was considered to have had less chance of enjoying meals with their family.
- 2009-02-15
渡辺 豊子
安田 直子
藤本 千鶴
竹村 利華
高木 聡子
渡辺 豊子
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