P-33 アナサンゴモドキ(Millepora dichotoma)が有する機能性タンパク質分子(ポスター発表の部)
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Fire corals (Millepora spp.) which live in coral reefs are ones of those venomous organisms. They are known to cause severe pain and inflammatory effects to human by accidental contacts in tropical and sub-tropical areas. Although some previous studies showed that fire corals' nematocysts contain a complex of bioactive polypeptides, precise characterization of toxins have not yet been investigated. We present here the isolation and partial chemical characterization of three new bioactive polypeptides from the fire corals. Nematocysts are the responsible organs for stinging cases. Nematocysts exist on the surface part of the fire corals with the symbionts (zooxanthelae). Thus, the isolation of nematocysts was crucial for obtaining crude venom without impurities originating from the other tissues, especially from algal symbionts. The side fraction containing zooxanthelae showed a fluorescent color of the pink by ultraviolet irradiation. Fluorescent protein (ca. 15kDa) was isolated using molecular exclusion HPLC. Crude extract from the isolated nematocysts was purified by using anion exchange HPLC and molecular exclusion HPLC. Bioactivity of each separated fraction was checked with hemolytic activity and cytotoxicity tests. Finally, a hemolytic toxin (ca. 100kDa) and cytotoxin (ca. 20kDa) were successfully isolated in their active forms. The 100kDa toxin possessed potent hemolytic activity (EC_<50>, 36ng/ml) toward 0.8% suspension of sheep red blood cells. The cytotoxic polypeptide showed potent cytotoxicity (EC_<50>, 79ng/ml) toward L1210 mouse leukemia cells. The primary structure of the cytotoxin deduced from the corresponding cDNA sequence was determined. It was revealed that the cytotoxin was a new member of the agglutinin family. This is the first characterization of proteinaceous toxin from Millepora spp. Precise structure elucidation of hemolytic toxin and fluorescent protein is now in progress.
- 天然有機化合物討論会の論文
- 2007-08-24
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