42 シガトキシンの全合成研究(口頭発表の部)
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Ciguatoxin (CTX1B) and its congeners, naturally occurring polycyclic ethers originating from marine unicellular alga, are the principal toxins associated with ciguatera fish poisoning. These compounds are extremely potent neurotoxins that bind to voltage-sensitive Na^+-channels (VSSC) and inhibit depolarization to allow Na^+ influx to continue. The structural complexity and exceptionally potent neurotoxicity, as well as their scarcity in natural sources, have attracted the interest of synthetic community. Practical synthetic access to ciguatoxins and their designed unnatural analogues are required for further studies aimed at fully defining the structural basis for their high-affinity binding to VSSC and/or its activation. We have recently developed a highly convergent synthetic route to the fused polycyclic ether structure based on B-alkyl Suzuki coupling reaction. Herein we describe our studies toward the total synthesis of 51-hydroxyCTX3C (1), a representative ciguatoxin congener with comparable toxicity to CTX1B. Our convergent synthetic plan for 1 involves the separate construction of two advanced intermediates representing the ABCD (2) and FGHIJKLM (3) ring fragments followed by their union via Horner-Wittig coupling and hydroxy thioketal cyclization. The ABCD ring fragment 2 was stereoselectively prepared via hydroboration-Suzuki coupling of the B and D rings (4 and 5, respectively) followed by closure of the C ring, and construction of the A ring by ring-closing metathesis reaction. The synthesis of the FGHIJKLM ring fragment 41, a potential precursor to 3, featured palladium-catalyzed carbonylation of lactone-derived enol phosphate to construct the nine-membered F ring and a two-stage B-alkyl Suzuki coupling of the FG (6), I (7) and KLM (8b) ring fragments. The present synthesis demonstrated the general applicability of our strategy based on B-alkyl Suzuki coupling to the convergent synthesis of polycyclic ether system. Progress toward the completion of the total synthesis of 1 through coupling of 2 and 3 is underway.
- 2001-09-01
佐々木 誠
石川 誠
橘 和夫
佐々木 誠
高倉 宏之
本多 集悟
野口 勝彦
野口 勝彦
高倉 宏之
本多 集悟
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- 9 興奮性アミノ酸ダイシハーベイン構造類縁体の全合成と生理活性(口頭発表の部)
- 19 シガトキシン9員環エーテル部分の合成と立体配座解析(口頭発表の部)
- 69 シガトキシン部分構造の合成研究(ポスター発表の部)
- 88(P-10) Lissoclinum属のホヤから単離した3種類の新規アルカロイドの構造と生物活性(ポスター発表の部)
- 42 シガトキシンの全合成研究(口頭発表の部)
- 39 ShionaneおよびFriedelane誘導体の骨格転位反応
- 海洋動物の毒-フグからイソギンチャクまで-
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- 25 ダイシハーベイン構造類縁体を結合したグルタミン酸受容体の結晶構造解析(口頭発表の部)
- 27 マイトトキシンの完全構造決定(口頭発表の部)
- 80 ヌノサラシ科魚の脂溶性皮膚毒の化学構造(ポスター発表の部)
- 27 ガンビ***ールの全合成(口頭発表の部)
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- 59 Bruceantin関連化合物の全合成(口頭発表の部)
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- 5 クロイソカイメンの自己防御機構に関わるオカダ酸結合タンパク質(口頭発表の部)
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- 72 紅海産ウシノシタ(Moses sole)のサメ忌避物貭
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