Reading recall strategies : focusing on memory strategies through the use of students' written self-reports
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This study reports on subsequent research on test validation which has attempted to investigate the issue of the test-taking process for a recall test through the use of students' written self-reports about the strategies they employed. It reanalyzes the data presented in Hirano & Sakai (2004) and focuses on the reanalysis of the memory strategies 100 first-year university students employed, based on their scores on the recall test they took, not on the combined scores of the two reading tests (i.e. the FCE and a short-answer test) that Hirano & Sakai utilized in dividing the students into high and low reading ability groups. Results showed that the students who had lower recall scores used more frequently (p<.05) the memory strategy of Item 1 ("I memorized text content translating parts of or the whole text,") than those scoring higher in a recall test. For the other types of memory strategies, there were no significant differences in the frequency of strategy use between high and low scorers in a recall test. This study suggests that lower scorers are more dependent on translation when storing information into memory for a recall test.
- 上越教育大学の論文
- 2008-02-28
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- Reading recall strategies : focusing on memory strategies through the use of students' written self-reports
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