- 論文の詳細を見る
Navigators using binocular glasses on the navigation bridges, as they frequently do, experience vertical object displacement due to vertical vibration of the bridge. This is because the swing of the binocular glass held by the navigator, reduces visual acuity of the binocular glass. This study deals with the method of obtaining the equal decrement curves of binocular glass visual acuity on the basis of the co-ordinates of frequency and acceleration of the vibration table. The eight subjects on whom the experiment was carried out held binocular glasses in their hands in the standing position, and the binocular glass visual acuity was determined as sinusoidal and random vibration were applied on them. A 5-m HIRAGANA (Japanese syllabary) visual acuity test chart was used for the experiments placing it at a viewing distance of 35m (binocular glass magnification: 7×5m). The results obtained show that the acceleration and binocular glass visual acuity are in rectilinear relation for any frequency when expressed in long scale co-ordinates. Finally, relation between the equal decrement curves of binocular glass visual acuity and ISO's "fatigue-decreased proficiency boundary" is elucidated. This study also covers the mechanism of reduction in binocular glass visual acuity due to vibration.
- 1979-09-15
村山 義夫
村山 義夫
神田 寛
神田 寛
Maritime Labour Research Institute
神田 寛
- 操船事故の人的要因調査についての考察
- 未然事故調査法の開発と応用-I
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- 未然事故調査法の開発と応用-III
- 未然事故調査法の開発と応用-II
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- 238 ケミカルタンカー乗務員の有機溶剤への曝露について(有機溶剤,一般講演,第9回日本産業衛生学会・第40回日本産業医協議会)
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