Lygus disponsi LINNAVUORI (Hemiptera, Miridae)の唾腺,摂食習性と植物の被害に関する研究 : I.唾腺の形態および寄主植物の害徴
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It was observed that the salivary gland of Lygus disponsi LINNAVUORI varied with the instar stages in size, but no remarkable differences in the external structure were detected. The bug was usually fond of feeding on soft and succulent tissues of plant, such as buds, flower buds, young pods, etc. On the younger leaves of sugar beet they feed more or less crowded together, but this habit was less remarkable with adults than with nymphs. The extent of damage caused by the bugs to sugar beet showed a tendency directly proportional to their number and feeding period on the plant and inversely proportional to the plant vigor and growing stage. Experimentally, to receive the most serious damage it needed about 20 bugs per plant feeding over one or more weeks in the period of ten or more leaf-stage. In the field a serious damage was observed on the commercial sugar beet adjacent to the wheat field. It was found very probable that there was no systemic phytotoxin in the salivary secretions of the insects. It appears therefore that not only the mechanical injuries in the plant tissues caused by the stylets but also the partial disturbances in growth by the salivary secretions injected are responsible for the damage to sugar beet. It was observed experimentally that the bugs could cause damage on red clover and cruciferous crops. This suggests that they might have some undesirable effect on the yield of hay in the grass field, where they are found to live abundantly.
- 帯広畜産大学の論文
- 1967-03-31
- B102 エゾアオカメムシ雌成虫の産卵選択と若虫の歩行について(生態学)
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- エゾアオカメムシの摂食戦略 : I.エゾアオカメムシ雌成虫の産卵選択, 若虫の歩行能力, および各種植物上での生育について
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- 66 野鳥の雛に皮下寄生する日本新記録の Trypocalliphora braueri (Hendel) について
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- Lygus disponsi LINNAVUORI (Hemiptera, Miridae)の唾腺,摂食習性と植物の被害に関する研究 : I.唾腺の形態および寄主植物の害徴
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