A Transformation-Based Implementation of Lightweight Nested Functions
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The SC language system was developed to provide a transformation-based language extension scheme for SC languages (extended/plain C languages with an S-expression-based syntax). Using this system, many flexible extensions to the C language can be implemented by means of transformation rules over S-expressions at low cost, mainly because of the preexisting Common Lisp capabilities for manipulating S-expressions. This paper presents the LW-SC (Lightweight-SC) language as an important application of this system, featuring nested functions (i.e., functions defined inside other functions). A function can manipulate its caller's local variables (or local variables of its indirect callers) by indirectly calling a nested function of its callers. Thus, many high-level services with "stack walk" can be easily and elegantly implemented by using LW-SC as an intermediate language. Moreover, such services can be implemented efficiently because we designed and implemented LW-SC to provide "lightweight" nested functions by aggressively reducing the costs of creating and maintaining nested functions. The GNU C compiler also provides nested functions as an extension to C, but our sophisticated translator to standard C is more portable and efficient for occasional "stack walk."
- 一般社団法人情報処理学会の論文
- 2006-05-15
八杉 昌宏
Yuasa Taiichi
Department Of Communications And Computer Engineering Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Universit
Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univers
Department of Communications and Computer Engineering, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto Univers
Hiraishi Tasuku
Department Of Communications And Computer Engineering Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Universit
Yasugi Masahiro
Department Of Communications And Computer Engineering Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto Universit
Masahiro Yasugi
Graduate School Of Informatics Kyoto University
Yasugi Masahiro
Department of Artificial Intelligence, Kyushu Institute of Technology
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