Effect of Psychologic Stress on Peroxidase and Thiocyanate Levels in Human Saliva Detected by Ultraweak Chemiluminescence
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Saliva sampling has the advantage of being noninvasive and stress free. Based on a recent study, salivary ultraweak chemiluminescence (UCL) is a new biomarker of psychologic stress. However, it is not clear what causes changes in the UCL level and whether the change is biologically significant. We investigated the candidates for salivary UCL induced by psychological stressors and discuss the physiologic function of these candidates. Volunteers completed a questionnaire and then performed the Kraepelin test. Saliva was sampled just before, immediately after, and 30 min after the stress exposure. The UCL of saliva significantly increased just after stress exposure (1.56-fold) and returned to prestress levels after 30 min. The concentration of secretory immunoglobulin A also increased significantly and the change in both biomarkers was rapid. Similar significant changes were observed in salivary peroxidase activity and the concentration of thiocyanate (SCN^-). On the other hand, the levels of amylase activity did not significantly increase and the concentration of cortisol increased slowly. Moreover, in the reconstitution experiment, UCL was generated at the same level by a mixture of peroxidase and SCN^- at physiologic concentrations. In conclusion, we determined that the Kraepelin test as a mental arithmetic task elicited a significant response in the body and this response can be calculated using salivary UCL. Furthermore, SCN^- and peroxidase in the saliva play a key role in salivary UCL.
- 公益社団法人日本薬学会の論文
- 2007-04-01
ONO Takahiko
Department of Nephrology, Shizuoka General Hospital
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.
Kinae Naohide
Dep. Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Sciences And
Kinae Naohide
Department Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Science
HARADA Hitoshi
Department of Molecular Chemistry, Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, Graduate School of Nutritional and Environmental Scienc
Ono Takahiko
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
Ono Takahiko
Department Of Cardiovascular Medicine Kyoto University Graduate School Of Medicine
GOI Nobuhiro
Department of Environmental Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceut
Department of Environmental Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceut
Department of Environmental Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceut
NAKAMURA Kimitsugu
Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Electron Tube Division
TAKAGI Kuniaki
Department of Environmental Biochemistry and Toxicology, University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceut
Terashima Yumeko
Department Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Science
Terashima Yumeko
Department Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Science
Hirai Yuuko
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
Ikari Akira
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
Ikari Akira
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry And Toxicology University Of Shizuoka School Of Pharmaceuti
Goi Nobuhiro
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
Takagi Kuniaki
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry And Toxicology School Of Pharmaceutical Science University
Harada Hitoshi
Department Of Environmental Biochemistry School Of Pharmaceutical Science University Of Shizuoka
Harada Hitoshi
Department Of Electronics And Communication Engineering School Of Science And Engineering Waseda Uni
Kinae Naohide
Department Of Food And Nutritional Sciences Graduate School Of Nutritional And Environmental Science
Hiramatsu Mitsuo
Hamamatsu Photonics K.k. Central Research Laboratory
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