対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(3) : 幼少期の家庭環境と自己像に関する比較文化的検討
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Anthropophobia is a neurosis which is a typical Japanese characteristic. Almost all Japanese show similar symptoms of anthropophobics to some degree. These symptoms are, however, more extreme in diagnosed cases of anthropophobia, than among the general Japanese public. Therefore, we have carefully reexamined Anthropophobia by observing anxieties which are commonly displayed in typical Japanese interparsonal relationships. Three studies proceed the present one. The first step was to gather as many discriptions as possible of commonly held anxieties. The second step was to analyse this data and extract the common factors found. (Ogawa 1974) As a third step, we have investigated the common factors by administring a questionnaire to a variety of subject (Ogawa, Hayashi, Nagai and Shiraishi, 1979). The first session of the present study was supplementary to research on anxieties done before. The second session was to investigate the common factors which were stimulated by the family environment and self-image during childhood. Two types of questionnaire entitled "self-Conciousness in interpersonal relationships" and "Human relationships during infancy and childhood", were employed in this study. They were given to Japanese and American high school and college students. From the results of the scores gained in the questionnaire entitled "Self-Conscoius-ness in interpersonal relationships", the subjects were classified into two groups; those falling within the higiest and lowest ranges of the scale. The next step was to see if there is any relationship between the subject's score and his family environment and self-image during childhood. From the results gathered from session one, it appeared that the factors were basically same as the ones which were extracted in the preceeding study. However, a factor we call "tension in the interpersonal relationship" which is thought to be a general factor, in particular, was found in this study. The result in the second session provided the findings that a lower negative selr-awareness had a positive family atmosphere and a desirable self-image during childhood. Although scores equally represented both Japanese and Americans, a negative self-awareness was more apparent in Japanese than in Americans responding to the questionnaire. Furthermore, the Japanese self-awareness in interpersonal relationships seems to be affected by their communication patterns with their parents. This does not seem to be true of the American subjects.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1980-11-29
- 自己評価に関係する諸要因の検討 : 特に肯定的・否定的自己の方向づけと関係して
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- 対人不安意識尺度構成の試み その2
- 対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(3) : 幼少期の家庭環境と自己像に関する比較文化的検討
- 対人不安意識尺度構成の試み
- 対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(2) : (a)地域性および(b)幼少期における家族以外の成員との接触・非接触の観点から
- 対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(1) : 比較文化的観点から
- 330 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究I : (3) 母親のしつけ方略と母親意識(発達16,研究発表)
- 329 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究I : 2. 母子家庭の教育環境と母親の教育観(発達16,研究発表)
- 学生の運動と栄養に関する研究(第1報) : 運動実施状況,血中脂質および栄養調査について
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- 257 青年期の対人関係(I)(発達7 親子および対人関係,研究発表)
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