C. G. JungのArchetype仮設の実験的検討
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Archetype was known for the basic assumption of C.G. Jung's analytical psychology, and this investigation was designed to examine archetype from the point of experimental science. The results suggest that Jung's archetype theory is supported statistically. In order to examine the stimulus equivalences, the investigation started making the sentences which were similar to the archaic myth. Then statistical similarity of those sentences was compared with the archaic myth, and both the hardness and the mythic quality of the sentences were examined, but there were no statistical differences. Memory experiment was made by giving two types of sentences (one is the archaic myth, the other is the similarly made one) to 12 male and 11 female university students. The method of the experiment was immediate recall condition and delayed recall condition of two weeks after. The results were as follows: [1] Free recall amount for the meaning of the sentences is higher by those who read the archaic myth. [2] No difference is found between two groups concerning about memory retention. [3] Relationship between recall amount and student's interest is found. [4] Difference is not found especially for the impression of the meaning of memory material. [5] Recall amount of the meaning is rather higher by the female than the male. These results suggest the basic assumption of which "the archetypal story is easier to remember than the less archetypal story".
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1989-10-31
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