対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(1) : 比較文化的観点から
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A neurosis called anthropophobia is common and characteristic of Japanese people. Negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships as found in anthropophobics is thought to spring from the Japanese mode of interpersonal relationships. The purpose of this study is to clarify the structure of negative self-awareness from a cross-cultural point of view. A questionnaire consisting of 117 questions related to negative self-awareness in interpersonal relationships was composed by Ogawa (1974), and was given to three groups: anthropophobics, Japanese university students, and American university students (some in Japan and some in the U.S.). Each of these groups consisted of 40 males and 40 females, totalling 320 in all. As a result of a factor analysis, eight factors were extracted and these were found to be similar to those of a previous study. Next, the scores of these 4 groups were compared, factor by factor. The anthropophobics scored highest in all factors, the Japanese university students scored the second highest in every factor, while the U.S. students scored the lowest. The scores of the Japanese students were significantly lower than those of the anthropophobics, and also significantly higher than those of the U.S. students. As a result of a factor analysis of the American students' scores, the following interesting factors were discovered: 1) Worry of the inability to blend into a group. 2) Awareness of others, and self-consciousness in the presence of others. 3) A constant sense of feeling "low" and "not right". 4) Worry of not living a meaningful life. 5) Worry of being overwhelmed by a crowd of people. 6) Worry of feeling tension in an intimate situation. 7) Personal dissatisfaction with oneself, and with one's mental abilities. 8) Worry about the ability to feel relaxed in the presence of others.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1979-11-30
- 自己評価に関係する諸要因の検討 : 特に肯定的・否定的自己の方向づけと関係して
- 発達5(231〜237)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 対人不安意識尺度構成の試み その2
- 対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(3) : 幼少期の家庭環境と自己像に関する比較文化的検討
- 対人不安意識尺度構成の試み
- 対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(2) : (a)地域性および(b)幼少期における家族以外の成員との接触・非接触の観点から
- 対人恐怖症者に認められる対人不安意識に関する研究(1) : 比較文化的観点から
- 330 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究I : (3) 母親のしつけ方略と母親意識(発達16,研究発表)
- 329 母子家庭の母親及び子どもの心理学的研究I : 2. 母子家庭の教育環境と母親の教育観(発達16,研究発表)
- 学生の運動と栄養に関する研究(第1報) : 運動実施状況,血中脂質および栄養調査について
- 258 青年期の対人関係(II)(発達7 親子および対人関係,研究発表)
- 257 青年期の対人関係(I)(発達7 親子および対人関係,研究発表)
- 232 中学生の生活意識(II)(発達5,研究発表)
- 231 中学生の生活意識(I)(発達5,研究発表)
- 発達1(201〜209)(部門別研究発表題目・質疑応答・討論の概要)
- 207 母子家庭の母親および子どもの心理学的研究III : (4)教師評定による子どもの行動特性の発達(発達1,発達)
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