- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to discuss the dependency and sex role in interpersonal relationships in female adolescents. Two questionnaires were administered to 123 female university students and 60 female technical college students. The first questionnaire asked Ss how dependent they were in what mode on 5 objects (father, mother, the most intimate friend of the same sex, the most intimate friend of the opposite sex, i.e., love object, the most intimate brother or sister). The second was a MHF scale composed by Ito (1978) asking Ss the view of sex role they had. The following 2 points were discussed:(1) The generally dependency structure on objects close to female adolescent.(2) The relation between the dependences and the view of sex role. The main results were as follows: There were differences in quality with objects in dependency structure.(2) Female adolescents depended on their fathers on the instrumental side.(3) Female adolescents depended on their mathers on the emotional side.(4) Dependency structure in them had each differents with every view of sex role.
- 横浜国立大学の論文
- 1988-10-31
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